What Critics Say About
Steve Schuch

"Schuch conveys awe with an economy of language
that approaches poetry."
-The Boston Sunday Globe
"Riveting Indeed."
-The Smithsonian
"There is great dignity in
the simple words,
which communicate the author's respect for what he can't explain."
-The New York Times
"Warmth and storytelling
Los Angeles Times
About Steve's Composing and Playing
"Exceptionally fine... Schuch brings as much
intelligence and skill to folk music as he does to classical."
-The Boston Globe
"Downright exhilarating.
Here's a player who doesn't recite music, he paints it."
-The Lowell Sun
"On the cutting edge of acoustic
music today."
-Music Retailing
"Steve Schuch... a phenomenal
-Robert J. Lurtsema, Morning Pro Musica, WGBH,
About Steve's Performances
"A remarkable musician and storyteller...
great depth to his performing and teaching... his ready sense of
humor easily captures his audience."
-Cincinnati Nature Center
"I have nothing but praise
for Steve as a professional, multitalented touring artist."
-Judy Rigmont, NH State Council on the Arts
"I really likt your songs
and storeys.
What do you do for a liveing?"
-Barry, 3rd grade